Our goal is to facilitate ways that women can grow in their relationship with God by engaging in intentional Bible study and equipping through personal discipleship. We aim to provide spaces where women can connect for the purpose of meaningful community and mutual spiritual encouragement.

Sister Social is a monthly gathering for single ladies to connect with one another. If you’re doing life solo right now, this is for you! We typically gather on the first Friday of the month to hangout, share snacks, and enjoy fellowship together. Our next get-together is Friday, April 4th at 7 PM. We’ll be making a simple, spring-time craft together!
Aspire for Women
Cornerstone has adopted Aspire as the systematic study designed to disciple believers. Our Women’s Ministry team will facilitate these partnerships. Those desiring to be discipled will be paired with another woman who has completed the study. Each week combines rich theological content and clear practical application for your personal spiritual growth.