The Parking Lot Mission is a ministry that serves a diverse population of people in many ways every Saturday morning. Most of the people coming to the PLM are struggling financially and many are unable to work because of health issues (mental, physical disability, chronic illness). Others try to work through day labor but are often unsuccessful. There are several single mothers who participate, and a number of senior citizens who are unable to work any longer given their health and educational status. Participants come from a variety of faith backgrounds, some having no apparent relationship with Christ, while others display a strong faith in Him.
Cornerstone sponsors the PLM by serving a hot meal on the fourth Saturday of every month. This is a great opportunity for Journey Groups to serve together! Journey Groups are also encouraged to distribute various items such as canned, boxed, and fresh food, clothing, and personal toiletry items. By your Journey Group’s participation in this important ministry, those in need will receive a hot meal, a friendly smile, and a glimpse of Christ’s love.
For questions about this ministry and service project, please contact Willie Dillenbeck at 843.395.1370 or willie@exit137.org or Darryl Bridges at 843.206.1875 or darrylleebridges@gmail.com.
CLICK HERE to download the recipe & directions for your Journey Group.
- What your group will need to prepare and bring (reduced attendance amounts):
- 6 Breakfast Casseroles (pans will be provided)
- 100 Kings Hawaiian Rolls
- Plastic Grocery Bags (if possible)
- Please be at the Parking Lot Mission no later than 7:30 AM.
The Parking Lot Mission meets in the back parking lot of HopeHealth on Palmetto Street:
600 E. Palmetto Street, Florence, South Carolina 29506
Upcoming Projects for the Parking Lot Mission
Serve Saturday Morning Breakfast | 2/22/25 | Tyner/Thornton Journey Group |
Serve Saturday Morning Breakfast | 4/26/25 | Holcombe/James Journey Group |
Serve Saturday Morning Breakfast | 6/28/25 | Campbell/Leeper Journey Group |
Serve Saturday Morning Breakfast | 8/23/25 | Powell/Evans Journey Group |
Serve Saturday Morning Breakfast | 10/25/25 | Middleton Journey Group |
Serve Saturday Morning Breakfast | 12/27/25 | OPEN |