What is CSM?
Our Cornerstone Student Ministry is the place to be for Middle School and High School students, 6th-12th grade! Students are encouraged to participate in family worship on Sunday mornings and to meet for student activities on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Through CSM, our students learn what it means to know Christ and to grow in fellowship with Him and with each other!
What is available for students?

Sunday nights in Cornerstone Student Ministry are about one thing: preparing for launch. What are we launching? Well the better question is, who are we launching? And the answer is: our students. While this sounds exhilarating (and dangerous), what we really mean is that our Sunday night event is structured for students to come and receive important Biblical teaching and crucial fellowship with each other that prepares them to launch into their week (their school, their team, their work, their home, etc.) further equipped to share God’s truth with those around them. The Launch serves as a weekly charging station (a launch pad!) for students to grow in their faith or begin a relationship with Christ.
At The Launch, we have a free meal, play games, engage with God’s Word through expositional Biblical teaching, and apply God’s Word through grade-specific small groups. The Launch is for all students, 6th through 12th grade. So now, only one question remains… Are you ready to Launch??

CSM Journey Groups are grade and gender specific small groups of students sharing Christ and sharing life together! Middle School Journey Groups meet during The Launch! on Sunday nights. High School Journey Groups meet on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm in various host homes around Florence.
Trek is our AWANA Middle School experience for 6th through 8th grade students and meets year round every Sunday morning during the 10:30AM service. Trek is a fun opportunity for students to connect with friends while being challenged to grow in their knowledge of God and relationship with Jesus.
Join Our Team!
Cornerstone Student Ministry has the opportunity to serve many students and their families on a weekly basis. We have an incredible team of ministry workers who are committed to discipling students as they encounter the Gospel and learn to follow Christ through weekly worship and teaching, journey group sessions, Trek and special events. We are always excited about adding new people to our CSM ministry team! If you are interested in serving at CSM, please fill out the following Volunteer Interest Form and someone will contact you about your next steps to get plugged in to this exciting and valuable ministry!
Current Opportunities to Serve:
- HSM Journey Group Leaders – Wednesday 6-8PM
Follow Us On Social Media!
HSM Instagram
CSM Facebook Page
MSM Instagram